Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is sustainability? What is "the environment"?

I think our common, mainstream definitions of these words, and a lot of rhetoric around concern for these things is constructed in a way that doesn't get to the root of our problem. Here's what I mean:

I personally think a lot of the standard arguments for sustainability are shit. Fuck economics, fuck science, technology, etc. (In this case, as a basis for this argument.) I think the root of the problem lies in the fact that a lot of people no longer have the foundations to create relationships with non-human entities. I mean here, that this "inherent value" that the earth/environment/whatever you call it, should manifest itself as a respect and awe within us, unconsciously, and if you grow up in a grid full of concrete boxes, I don't know if that's possible*. I think this problem is at the root of so many other current psychological problems in our society and world. *Sorry, that's a little harsh. It may be possible, but I think it takes a conscious effort to remember it.

At least that's what I've been thinking lately.

All our urges toward "green" "eco-friendly" things that "help our environment" are just misplaced desires to reconnect to the natural world. We don't need a greener clorox product, an eco-lodge in the middle of the most biodiverse place on earth, or to give money to an NGO for it's administrative costs, we need to walk around in the grass, observe the differences in how a robin and hawk fly, and hear the sound of bugs crawling on the forest floor. Then, I think we can start thinking about what it could look like to live a life that is worth passing on to our children.

I very rarely hear this argument constructed in that way, especially in a classroom. It may be too simple for academia, even for psychologists who think they/try to understand people. I hope whatever I do next in my life will try to answer the questions this way...I'd like to understand more about it, and I think it has a lot of potential.

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