just reading up on what capitalist magazine has to say about environmentalism... ("if environmentalism succeeds, it will make human life impossible")
i just wanted to share this cartoon with you. it's from an article on the falsities in al gore's movie (http://capmag.com/article.asp?ID=4806).
but the cartoon. seriously, is it bad to love the earth? i mean, yeah, we've (people) created religions in the past to worship it, but historically Capitalists and Christians have abolished them (i.e. "civilized the heathens"). see paganism or, well, most indigenous religions. i guess we (civilized americans) wouldn't know what worshipping the earth looks like, because that's only for heathens, and you can't be a heathen with a hummer...can you?
i just think it's sad that it's come down to this...making fun of people for praising the beauty of nature.
"The expressed goal of environmentalism is to prevent man from changing his environment, from intruding on nature. That is why environmentalism is fundamentally anti-man. Intrusion is necessary for human survival. Only by intrusion can man avoid pestilence and famine. Only by intrusion can man control his life and project long-range goals. Intrusion improves the environment, if by "environment" one means the surroundings of man--the external material conditions of human life. Intrusion is a requirement of human nature. But in the environmentalists' paean to "Nature," human nature is omitted. For environmentalism, the "natural" world is a world without man. Man has no legitimate needs, but trees, ponds, and bacteria somehow do." (from: http://capmag.com/article.asp?ID=4643)
i'd beg to differ and say that environmentalism is fundamentally ecological. we, men, need to realize that we are part of a system, and if we disrupt that system, we'll end up disrupting our human nature in some way or another (acid rain, drought, the dust bowl of the 30s, soil nutrient depletion, etc, etc. we know the drill). i think that's pretty fundamental.
With all the respect, I think your point of view on environmentalism is erroneous. Environmentalism teaches human beings, the ones responsible for caring for the earth, to appreciate the environment instead of destroying it. For example, I don't know much you believe in God, but most of the people that do, including me, believe He created the earht and everything in it. And after he created it, he created the man and placed it in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it (Genesis Ch 2 verse 15, Old Testament, New International Version). Once you read the text, noticed that God placed the man to work and to take care of the garden, not to deplete its resorces to the point where everybody its in danger of extinction.
ReplyDeleteTruly, we humans have become very irresponsible and refuse to take responsibility for our actions. So, what other scientific proves, or facts brought out from different researches people need to have to understand that we should not destroy the environment.
So, you are going to tell me that the consumption of fossil fuels along with the processes they have to go throght its ok? Did you know that coal burning its one the mayor air pollutants there is? Did you know that air pollution is one of the leading causes of pulmonary diseases such lung cancer (besides nicotine)? Did you know that air pollution causes respiratory complications in children?-asthma for example.
I want to share with you some important information and facts that will throw some light to your understanding of environmentalism, if you don't mind.
edit: You're VASTLY misinformed. You have NO clue what "environmentalism" means; it isn't the definition you flowerly provided. You need to take a good look at the facts. Do your research. environmentalism is essentially putting a tree before a human being. Meaning if a tree and a woman were on fire, an environmentalist would let you die and save the tree. Point and serve. Have a nice day in your ignorance. I feel sorry for you and the rest of the lemmings that live among us. In a hundred years this era of environmentalism will be laughed at. How embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteTake a look: True environmentalists hate you -- not your fault, you're human.
I think everyone has lost their minds!!!!!! When you start choosing the enviroment over a human being it's over.Al Gore has definitly confirmed himself a fanatic in my book when it comes to the enviroment.People wake up!! This has become a cult!!!The Sierra Club,Green Peace,the list goes on. We are letting them have way to much control. Don't let them brainwash you. They have an agenda. And it's all about CONTROL.........Please, Please open your ears and your eye's. Don't be TRICKED.These groups have hurt more people than helped. They are evil. They say they come to make our lives better. They ARE liars!!!They have put MORE people out of work and have totally destroyed the livelyhood of small towns. They ARE evil. Don't be deceived.