As a psychology nerd (at least for some types of psych.), I find the following project interesting. For non-nerds and nerds alike, it's kind of fun to play with and see your results:
Project Implicit, based at Harvard, but well-connected across the country, is conducting research on implicit associations. To break it down for non-nerds: implicit is sort of analogous to automatic. So, in other words, they study the associations you make semi-automatically. Stereotyping is an example of this.
I just finished Blink by Malcolm Gladwell which was about the ramifications of these judgments - when they go wrong, when they're avoided, etc. For example, the conclusion of the book tells the story of how women began getting accepted into prestegious auditioning behind a screen so judges couldn't stereotype their abilities based on gender.
I egotistically think this is a good reason that my name can be read androgynously.
Anyway, there's some food for thought if you're interested in that kind of thing or have some time to waste and want to help out cool research.